Classics - Festive News
Earlier this month, all sixth-form Latinists and Ancient Historians attended a day of lectures at King’s College London, put on especially for WBGS, on the theme of Emperor Augustus. A very thought-provoking time was had by all, including discovering that the list of Augustus’ achievements in the provinces varied depending on which language it was written in (the non-Latin versions curiously miss out the bits about conquering non-Romans…) to considering a theory that Virgil’s poem, the Aeneid, subtly mirrors the dynastic infighting of Augustus’ family in the ambiguities it leaves open regarding Aeneas’ descendants. As the term drew to a close, all Year 8 Latin classes got together to compete for top spot in the traditional WBGS Saturnalia Treasure Hunt, all across Athens, Rome and Britannia (otherwise known as different areas of the James Theatre), while Year 7 Latinists finished their term by designing some exquisite mosaics and learning about this important industry in the Roman Empire, using our exciting new text book ‘Suburani’. We wish you all Happy Holidays: Io Saturnalia!
Miss Sams
Head of Classics