Motor Racing Success for Student Kean
Congratulations to our year 12 student Kean who has achieved remarkable success in the world of motor sport. Read Kian’s report below:
This year I have stepped up from International Go-Karting to the world of Single Seater racing: racing in Italian F4 this year as the main season. Being a former World and European Karting Champion I had high hopes heading into a new season in a completely new category. I started the year off by doing a winter championship called the UAE F4 championship where I managed to finish Vice-champion missing out the title by 2 points.
It was a good introduction to what I would most likely expect going into the main season. Now having completed the majority of the season, I can say that it has most definitely not gone the way I would have expected, and so the Italian season has been a tough one and from being one of the possible main championship protagonists I have struggled severely with pace. Still I have managed to have a win and a few podiums during the season so far but things have most certainly not gone how I expected it to go. Nonetheless it has been a fun championship so far and it is always great fun doing the things you love. Doing motorsports is tough alongside school, as I tend to miss a lot of days at school but with enough extra work at the track and at home it is generally doable. Managing both parts of life is generally very demanding but at the end of the day it allows me to live both a ‘normalish’ life whilst doing what I enjoy.
Kean, Year 12