House News October 2024
House Captains 2024-25
Congratulations to our team of forty House Captains, five per House, appointed in October and selected from the many Year 12 students applying for this role. Our House Captains support the Year 13 Senior Prefects with their fund raising for charity, regularly popping into the forms for younger students in their House to promote the charity events and also to find out the views of younger students in areas such as provision for lunchtime societies or clubs, and online safety. The House Captains run termly House Assemblies, the first of which will be in November, where they will promote and explained the school’s character curriculum themes of endeavour and kindness for this term. They will also be promoting the 2024-25 sales of our school House badges which students can wear on their blazer or jacket lapel – these will be on sale via Parentpay, for £2 with all profits from sales going to our charities.
School Charities for 2024-25
The Year 13 Head Boy team, in discussion with the School Student Council, have chosen the school’s charities for this year. These will be Watford Foodbank, Alzheimer’s Society and Teenage Cancer Trust. Students are busy arranging events for the coming academic year so please look out for more details as these are sent out by email and try to support them where possible. Last academic year the Head Boy team raised an incredible £7,681.01 for charity and this year’s team are keen to raise as much again if they can!!