Wgsb 140


The Biology Department seeks to combine the benefits of a traditional, academic and knowledge rich curriculum with an enthusiasm to engage with emerging technologies and integrate regular practical work into our programmes of study. The Department is also at the forefront of championing Biodiversity and Sustainability within the School. 

The Department is accommodated in a range of laboratories across the Science Block and the new STEM Centre. All of our classrooms are supported by nearby preparation rooms and  equipped with equipment to allow regular practical work during lessons. We also have a developing Outdoor Learning Space, a greenhouse and ample outdoor space for ecology lessons and outdoor learning. 

Key Stage 3

Prior Learning from KS3                

From year 7 and year 8 boys have a secure grounding in fundamental biology through studying a course aligned to the full KS3 National Curriculum. In addition they develop a sound understanding of how to think like a scientist, applying the scientific method and how to plan and carry out investigations. We use this prior knowledge and build upon these principles through our GCSE provision.     

Key Stage 4

Year 9                                             

All boys study the AQA Biology (8461) course. The following topics are studied during the year:                                                                                                                               

  • Microscopy                                                
  • Cells, Organelles & Transport Processes       
  • Enzymes & Organisation
  • Transport in Living Organisms
  • Defense & Microbiology
  • Lifestyle & Disease

These topics provide students with an introduction to many of the key themes in Biology which are applicable whether they are then selected to continue with Separate Sciences or move on to the Trilogy Combined Science course in year 10.

Year 10

Separate Sciences Route
The majority of boys study the AQA Biology (8461) course and follow the Separate Sciences route. The course is assessed through 2 x 1 hour 45 minute exam papers sat at the end of Year 11. The following topics are studied during the year:                                                                                                                                                         

  • Photosynthesis & Respiration
  • Control of internal body conditions
  • The nervous system & eye
  • Hormones in plants & animals
  • Genetic inheritance                                                        

These topics build on the content studied in year 9 and include some of the more challenging Separate Science only material.
Combined Science Route

A smaller cohort of boys study the AQA Trilogy (8464) course. The course is assessed through 2 x 1 hour 15 minute exam papers sat at the end of Year 11. The following topics are studied during the year:

  • Photosynthesis & Respiration
  • Control of internal body conditions
  • The nervous system & eye
  • Hormones in plants & animals
  • Genetic inheritance

These topics build on the content studied in year 9 with the slightly reduced volume of content on this course allowing more opportunities for consolidation of learning and practise of key principles.

Year 11

Separate Sciences Route
Those boys on the Separate Sciences route study the following topics during the year:

  • Gene technologies          
  • Classification and ecology        
  • Nutrient cycles
  • Human effects on the environment
  • Industrial agriculture

These topics build on the content studied in year 9 and year 10, the year 11 work contains many of the more conceptually demanding aspects of the course. A generous amount of time is provided for guided revision to allow thorough consolidation of the course material prior to GCSE examinations.
Combined Science Route
Boys on the Combined Science route study the following topics during the year                             

  • Gene technologies
  • Classification and ecology
  • Nutrient cycles
  • Human effects on the environment
  • Industrial agriculture

                                                                                                                                    These topics build on the content studied in year 9 and year 10, the year 11 work contains many of the more conceptually demanding aspects of the course. Again, a generous amount of time is provided for guided revision to allow thorough consolidation of the course material prior to GCSE examinations.

Key Stage 5

Lower Sixth

In Biology A-level we study the AQA specification with teaching split across two teachers. During the first year of the A-level course we study the following topics:

-  Cells           
-  Biological molecules       
-  Immunity   
-  Transport processes                                                                                           
-  Mass transport
-  Digestion   
-  Classification

- Microbiology
Boys also carry out the exam board’s core practical work and are assessed on this towards the practical endorsement element of the course.

Upper Sixth

During the second year of the AQA A-level, boys cover the following topics:

-  Ecology
-  Respiration & photosynthesis
-  Gene technologies
-  Using statistics in Biology
-  Nerves and control          
-  Inheritance and variation
During the Upper Sixth the required practical work is completed and boys are assessed towards the practical endorsement element of the course.

Exams & Assessment


Examination board: AQA

A Level

Examination board: AQA

Enrichment & Extra-curricualar

The Biology Department regularly gives boys the chance to carry out fieldwork outside the classroom, either in the local area or at a Field Studies Centre. 

We regularly enter a number of boys for Biology competitions including: the Biology Olympiad, the Intermediate Biology Olympiad and the Biology Challenge. The Department also gives boys opportunities to engage with the wider subject through external lecture and events as well as supporting a large number of boys in gaining work experience through medical volunteering. Biology has close links with the sixth form Medical Society and arranges after-school dissections to give sixth form boys a wide range of experiences and opportunities.

Resources & Reading List

The AQA GCSE Biology Specification

The AQA GCSE Trilogy Combined Science Specification

The AQA A-Level Biology Specification

We would recommend boys develop their curiosity through wider reading and engaging with scientific YouTube channels. Recommended authors include: Atul Gawande, Ben Goldachre, Daniel Lieberman, Richard Dawkins, Adam Kay, Noah Yuval Harare.

On YouTube we would particularly recommend the Kurzgesagt and Crash Course channels.

Kurzgesagt - You Tube channel

Crash Course - Yu Tube channel

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