

PSHE is taught as part of a half termly rotation in year 7, 9 and 10. In year 8, PSHE is run using 'Drop Down Days' with one in each term. In year 9, students will also have lessons which look at Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) built into the curriculum. In addition to lessons, a variety of external speakers and charities are also organised to help deliver an inclusive, diverse and relevant PSHE programme. The lessons are created in line with government guidelines with the inclusion of other topics relevant to our students. 

PSHE Policy Udate

The school has updated the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy as part of the regular review cycle of all key policies.

Please find the RSE Policy 2024 linked here (below) and also some examples of teaching resources from our PSHE programme that covers the RSE statutory content.

Parents, teachers and students are welcome to share comments on the reviewed policy (before publication for September 2024) with the relevant members of staff via the School Office email address

The school is aware that the Department for Education has recently issued some draft RSE guidance for consultation and, if and when any updates are formally published and made statutory guidance, the school's RSE policy and programme will be updated to reflect this guidance.

RSE Policy 2024Example Lesson - Year 11 - Consent

Example Lesson - Year 7 - Social Media and Your Wellbeing

Example Lesson - Year 9 - Stereotypes

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3

Year 7 Autumn Term 

  1. Introduction to PSHE
  2. Managing Friendships
  3. Family Relationships Part 1
  4. Family Relationships Part 2
  5. Identifying Unhealthy Relationships & Managing Relationships Part 1
  6. Identifying Unhealthy Relationships & Managing Relationships Part 2
  7. Equal Relationships

Year 7 Spring Term

  1. Social Media
  2. Online Dangers & Risks
  3. Fake News
  4. Digital Footprint
  5. Online gambling and gaming
  6. Cyber-bullying

Year 7 Summer Term

  1. Healthy Eating
  2. Consequences of Unhealthy Eating
  3. The Importance of Happiness
  4. Promoting Emotional Wellbeing
  5. Puberty
  6. Stress & Performance

Year 8 Autumn Term

  1. Neurodiversity
  2. Tackling Discrimination
  3. Online Grooming
  4. Your Digital Footprint
  5. Online Safety – The Law

Year 8 Spring Term

  1. Health & Wellbeing Part 1
  2. Health & Wellbeing Part 2
  3. Exercise & Sleep
  4. Organ Donation
  5. Mental Wellbeing

Year 8 Summer Term

  1. The UK Political System
  2. Parliament & Political Parties
  3. Liberties & Laws
  4. Citizens Working Together
  5. Managing Finances

Bold Voices Event

Year 9 Autumn Term - PSHEP PSPHe & Philosophy

  1. Body Image
  2. Personal Hygiene & Looking after you health
  3. First Aid 1
  4. First Aid 2
  5. Harmful Online Content & Sharing Online Content
  6. Online Stress & FOMO
  7. Christianity & Knowledge
  8. God as the Source of Knowledge 
  9. Jesus as the Perfect Revelation of God 
  10. What about the Bible? 
  11. Nature & Reality 
  12. Christianity and the Development of Knowledge

Year 9 Spring Term

  1. The Equalities Act
  2. Stereotypes Part 1 (Sex & Gender Focus)
  3. Stereotypes Part 2
  4. Expressing Emotions
  5. Radicalisation
  6. Hate Crime & Discrimination
  7. Islam & Knowledge 
  8. Allah as the Source of Knowledge 
  9. The Qur’an as the Perfect Revelation of God 
  10. Muhammad as the Perfect Muslim
  11. Sharia and How to Live as a Muslim 12. Islam and the Development of Knowledge

Year 9 Autumn Term

  1. Consent
  2. Sexual Harassment, Coercive Control & Violence
  3. Domestic Abuse
  4. Honour-Based Violence & FGM
  5. Bystanders 
  6. Environmental Bystanders  
  7. Atheism & Knowledge
  8. Knowledge as Justified True Belief
  9. Empiricism - We can only know what our senses tell us
  10. Scepticism - can we know anything is real/true?
  11. Nihilism - there is nothing to know
  12. Epistemic Humility - locating ourselves between epistemic arrogance and overconfidence


Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4


Year 10 Autumn Term

  1. Reproductive Health

  2. Making Decisions

  3. STIs & Contraception

  4. Identities

  5. Drugs - The Facts

  6. Alcohol - The Facts

  7. Smoking & Vaping


Year 10 Spring Term

  1. Pornographic Materials & Attitudes

  2. Digital Footprint

  3. Online Addictions

  4. Extremism

  5. Exploring Britishness & British Values

  6. Human Rights

Year 10 Summer Term

  1. Gang Culture

  2. County Lines

  3. Knife Crime

  4. Violence & Control

  5. Modern Day Slavery

  6. Anti-Social Behaviour


Year 11 Autumn Term

  1. Mental Wellbeing

  2. MENtal Health

  3. Movember: Changing the face of men’s health

  4. Respectful Relationships

  5. Consent

  6. Relationships & Stereotypes

  7. Emily Atack: Asking for it?


Year 11 Spring Term

  1. Saving & Managing Money

  2. Employment & Financial Management

  3. UK Democracy

  4. Electoral Systems & Forms of Government

  5. Local, Regional & Global Governance

  6. UK Legal System


Year 11 Summer Term

  1. The Importance of Community 

  2. Being a Global Citizen

  3. Positive Steps Forward

  4. Dealing with Exam Stress



Exams & Assessment

Assessment (no exams):

Teachers of PSHE will assess students’ understanding throughout the programme to identify where pupils need extra support or intervention. As with any learning, the assessment of young people’s personal, social and emotional development is important. It provides information that indicates their progress and achievement and informs the development of the programme. Young people do not pass or fail in this area of learning but have the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and personal experiences and set personal goals and strategies to reach them. This process of reflective assessment has a positive impact on young people’s self-awareness and self-esteem, and there are opportunities to record learning and progress in different ways. We will assess pupils’ learning through; in class question and answers, discussion, group work, peer assessment, quizzes, self assessment and teacher feedback. Attitude to Learning and Behaviour for Learning in PSHE is reported to parents as part of the tracker system.

Enricment & Extra-curricular

Our diverse range of clubs and societies gives students the opportunity to explore new interests and engage outside of the lesson with peers and in doing so develop their knowledge, skills and attributes all of which support their personal development.

Extra-curricular clubs and societies

Resources & Reading Lists