Headmaster's Message - October 2022
BackWelcome to the first HM Message of the academic year!
September always brings with it a sense of new beginnings and optimism, as the fresh faces and enthusiasm of our new starters in Year 7 and Year 12 usher in the start of term. The return to School this September was fuelled with delight by the outcome of the GCSE and A-Level examination results published in August. We were delighted with the performance of our boys, with the percentage of top grades (9 at GCSE) increasing on last year, despite a reported fall nationally in 2022. The boys are to be congratulated on a remarkable set of achievements after enduring years of Covid disruption whilst preparing for these qualifications.
The first weeks have been a busy time for pupils, teachers and parents alike with year group parent information evenings, open morning and the new year 7 parents social hosted by the Friends of School. It is pleasing to see boys quickly re-adjusting to school life, making friends in The Quad at break time, working well in their lessons and finding interests and passions via their extra-curricular activities. The boys have access to a timetable on Google Classroom with dozens of clubs and societies; we ideally encourage boys to choose at least one, but ideally more to make the most of their time at the school.
As boys make their educational journey here at WBGS the Friends of School play a pivotal role in connecting the School and parents and nurturing our sense of community. The Friends are hosting a quiz night on Saturday 12th November and I will be your Quizmaster for the evening. I look forward to seeing many of you there, at this enjoyable event, which serves as an excellent opportunity to meet fellow parents whilst testing your general knowledge, eating some delicious food and of course fundraising for the School.
I wish you a restful half-term break.
Mr Ian Cooksey